December 05, 2013

Join our Mentoring Program

The Columbia University Club of Long Island would like to invite alumni to join our new Mentoring Program!

The goal of this program is to enhance career development, networking, and mentorship of alumni.  If you are interested in being a mentor, mentee, or both, please complete the following forms by no later than Wednesday, December 4:                                                

  • Those interested in being mentees, please complete the short form found HERE
  • Those interested in being mentors, please complete the  short form found HERE

Here’s how the program will work: All alumni can sign up to be mentors, mentees, or both!   Mentees may include alumni with varied backgrounds—some mentees may consist of recent graduates, while other mentees may include experienced professionals who could benefit from a mentor (i.e. those who want to learn a particular skill from a mentor, those who may be switching careers, those who may want advice to get to the next level, etc.).  Similarly, mentors will include alumni with varied experience levels. 

Based on mentees’ mentor preferences and background information, the Mentoring Chair will pair mentors and mentees together, and will announce mentoring pairs by mid-December. Pairings will last for one year, and mentors and mentees are expected to meet with each other at least quarterly each year.

If you have any questions, e-mail Sejal Shah ’01CC at [email protected].